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64 bit confusion


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Hi there, I know that SteveJ. promised seamless 64 bit computing in leopard. However, I don't own original mac hardware, so I was wondering: is there some kind of 64 bit capability in os x intel 10.4.x? I'm not sure if I should get a cheap core duo or aim at a core 2 duo - besides the performance boost, which I'm not really interested in, the 64 bit thing seems to be the main difference.



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I tried linux in 32 and 64 bit and I don't fill any difference expect dependency problems in 64 bit. In 10.4 only unix programs can work with 64 bit. All coca apps work in 32 bit Steve say this on last keynote


But Core 2 Duo is worth his money because he has some hardware virtualization in it and have SSE 4. I am sure that in near future Apple will take this technology to it strength

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I tried linux in 32 and 64 bit and I don't fill any difference expect dependency problems in 64 bit. In 10.4 only unix programs can work with 64 bit. All coca apps work in 32 bit Steve say this on last keynote


But Core 2 Duo is worth his money because he has some hardware virtualization in it and have SSE 4. I am sure that in near future Apple will take this technology to it strength

Question, will 64-bit also be available for Cocoa and the Frameworks in Leopard on the G5 since that is a 64-bit processor or still remain at the command line?

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