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I've got an ATI 6850. I recently picked up a 3rd monitor which I am connecting through the card's displayport. The other two monitors are connected via DVI.


I was pleased to discover that this 3rd monitor worked out of the box-- no additional configuration was required. However, the monitor doesn't recognize that it's plugged in immediately, I have to unplug and re-plug the displayport to get it to recognize there's a signal being sent (even though it shows up under display preferences). Once I have done this it works great.


How would I avoid having to re-connect the displayport every time I boot my computer?



In your com.apple.Boot.plist, find graphic mode.


<key>graphic mode</key>

<string> 'number1' x 'number2' x32 </string>


number1 and number2 should be your monitor's maximum resolution.


I am using dell U2311H and samsung 17 inch monitor.

In my case, when I use 1650 x 1050 x 32, second monitor is not recognized by MAC

and after re-pluging, it is recognize by MAC like you.

but when I use 1920 x 1080 x 32 which is U2311H's maximum resolution, second monitor is reconized by MAC on start.

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