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I downloaded Vista a few days ago and I thought I'd forget B2 disaster and try this new release. I had 20 Gb free as a backup HD on FAT32. And 180Gb for my OSX as a primary disk.

When I inserted Vistas DVD, it said it couldn't find a disk to install it. So I reformatted the 20Gb one to NTFS using Vistas disk utility. EVEN doing so, it didnt want to install on my recently formatted NTFS partition.

I decided to go back to OSX and forget all about it; but when I went to Disk Utility to reformat it to FAT32 I couldnt; Went back to Vistas DVD to delete the partition and now OSX wont even see the deleted partition.

Its pissing me off, lol. One thing though, I havent tried using XPs CD to format it yet (Im at work right now).


Question: Do you know a way to help me install Vista on this second partition?

Thanks in advance =)

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No, boot camp wont work on my PC... and Im not sure what build it is, but its from 4 days ago, downloaded directly from MS site. Im going to use XPs CD to try and format it back to FAT 32... and forget about Vista... unless you guys help me find a solution (and it will be much appreciated!) ^^

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what i did was 

1: install xp on windows vista partition

2: make sure the windows xp partition is the startup disk 

3: insert disk and on desktop, click itstall when autoplay runs(if not, go to my computer and click on the install disk.)

4:  If you have sp1 you can't upgrade, but if you have sp2 you can.

5:  go through the other steps and it should work.

  That is how i did it. 

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Thanks, ajb.

I finally decided I wont install Vista. My system is running fine now. I did a complete reinstall of OSX, and I got my 20Gb partition back on the process. Everythings working so perfectly now, I dont wanna even think about M$.


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