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Since I installed Lion CPU temperatures have risen. I get 80-85 °C after a few minutes of running Mail + Chrome, even if I do nothing at all. With Leopard 10.5.6 I would get 45-50 °C at the most in those conditions. Now, I've been running Lion for a few days and spotlight has definetly done indexing, so that's not the problem. And the CPU load is around 5-10%.


I've read around the internet that Lion tends to get CPUs hot. Any idea for a possible solution?

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having the same problem.

Since i do have Lion installed the CPU temps are higher.

before about 39°C now with Lion about 53°C


I have not found a solution yet. I believe it has something to do with the fakeSMC.kext


Hope some of the experts arround here will solve it.

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