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Someone have the orinal file from MAC OSX Jas 10.4.6 of "AppleAC97Audio.kext" and "AppleAC97AudiointelICH.kext"?

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I try to update with the new "AppleAC97Audio.kext" and now I don have any sound!

I forget to back up 2 of this file:




Which can find in the pass: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext/

and: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext/Contents/Plugins/AppleAC97AudiointelICH.kext


Who have all of this file - ORGINAL file from MAC OSX Jas 10.4.6 please send to me to fix this problem!

Thank you very much! :(

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Download Pacifist from Charlessoft.


While in OSX, insert your install DVD into the optical drive. It will mount on the Desktop.


In Pacifist, go to File -> Open and follow this path: /(installer DVD)/System/Installation/Packages/Essentials.pkg


In the Pacifist window of Essentials.pkg, go to System -> Libarary -> Extensions and find the kexts you want. Click on them. Then either click on "Extract" to extract the files to your computer or click on "Install" to install the files where they belong.

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