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Well i hadn't yet tried to install Mac OS X yet and i would like to know a few things first,

Will my box run Mac OS X(and what version), an is it possible to get Mac OS X running on a computer with WinXP installed w/o losing it.

My specs are(most i remember):

Motherboard: Asus P4S800D MB SiS 655FX

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 Prescott HT 2.80GHz (unoverclocked, supports MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3)

RAM: 512 DDR

HD: 120GB with 2 partitions(one for WinXP(12GB), the other for other stuff(~180GB))

GPU: nVidia gForce 5200FX


I know that there are guides but im getting confused becouse there are so much, and i don't understand which one i need.


Thanks in advance for bothering to help me.

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