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I've tried about 15 guides/tutorials/methods etc, but it seems that no matter what, I always end up at a Kernel Panic.


I see many tutorials but nothing that really covers the basics, they all kind of start at level 5.


Could some one please explain to me what exactly is required to make a computer boot OSX 10.6.7


Also, how can we tell what Kernel we are supposed to use, or what hardware causes a kernel panic?


If its a specific kext file, how do we exclude that from boot for testing process?


Other then trial and error, is there an actual way to find out what exacly is need for a users specific configuration to boot OSX? I check the WiKi, but it doesn't tell me much. (Just says use Ultimate Snow Leopard, which I can't find)


I have a million questions for you guys and I hope someone can put up with me and be patient with me, I'm a very technical user, I'm certified in windows. Just with Mac, I'm not familiar with the OS and how it all works and why it doesn't on my desktop.


Just fyi, about 3 years ago I did have 10.5 running on this very desktop, so I know its compatible. I'd just like 10.6.7 now.


Thank you all for you generosity and support.


P.S I hope this is the right section.

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Try the Windows version of this on the PC you want to Hackintosh:



Your CPU can run the vanilla kernel.


Use a retail installation DVD and a suitable boot CD. Use a CD-RW until you find a boot CD that works.


Try [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url], Nawcom, MyHack, EmpireEFI, there are many more.

Thanks for the insite.


Just to clarify, Vanilla Kernel means the stock kernel from apple?


I found this solution "www.convertit2mac.com" but then I found out the douche bags want me to buy their software by donating a minimum $25......


Anyone out there have a copy of Ultimate Snow Leopard 1.0.2 :laser: .... lol


Things that I've tried:

[url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url]: Wont boot

[url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] Legacy: Boots, but when SL is inserted I get a KP

myHack: Boots, but when SL is inserted I get a KP

Nawcom: Boots, but when I get to the select language, all I see are a bunch of hyphens accross the screen that flicker when I move the mouse, see Figure 1:

EmpireEFI: Untested

Others: Unkown.


Figure 1:



Would a different boot cd make any difference to wether or not SL can boot? Also, would it make a difference that I'm using a 10.6.0 dvd?

Use the forum search or google to find out if this is a known issue with your video card and Snow Leopard and if so, if there are workarounds.

Or try another video card.

Just to clarify, Vanilla Kernel means the stock kernel from apple?

Would a different boot cd make any difference to wether or not SL can boot?

Also, would it make a difference that I'm using a 10.6.0 dvd?

1: Yes

2: It's possible

3: No

I appreciate it, but I'm not quite sure how to describe this issue to search for it.


To me it looks like artifacts on the screen.


I appreciate it, but I'm not quite sure how to describe this issue to search for it.


To me it looks like artifacts on the screen.


I found this


Sapphire Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512MB


Works out of box with Kalyway 10.5.2 but only with Triakis framebuffer installer .pkg when using vanilla drivers and proper EFI strings






All RadeonHD cards under 4xx0 wont work in snow leopard

ATI Database


Does this mean I'm S.O.L and I'm wasting my time?

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