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Problem with second Harddrive


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Hello guys, i hope you can help me.


I got a Asrock 939Dual Mobo and i´m running OS X 10.4.7 on a Athlon 64 (Venice).

And i got 2 Harddrives, each 80GB.


At first, when configuring my system, i thought that the second harddrive is just not supported due to missing udma (am i right here?) support. Well, UDMA now runs well (thanks for the fix), and i just tried to plug in another Harddrive. Its on the secondary IDE-Chain, and it is recognized right by OS X (size and format and stuff)... There are no problems when repairing this drive. It seems to fully work.


But here is the problem: If I move files to the drive, everything is ok, but when i´m copying files from the drive to another, than there is an error. When I start azureus with the download-folder located on that harddisk, it just writes Input/Output-Error....IT IS FORMATTED WITH HFS+....


What can i do?

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