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Installing Osx86


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I have just reformatted my hard disk drive, installed Windows, done as the Wiki guide said for 10.4.6 and now I am stuck. I have put the Osx disk in, it has loaded up etc, i'm on the install screen but i'm stuck on "Application install location"


It has no options to select anything, so what can I do?


I tried loading disk utility to format the partition as "HFS" but I can't see the hard drive there either.


The hard disk is serial ata (SATA), is this causing my problems?


Please help :thumbsup_anim:

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I have just reformatted my hard disk drive, installed Windows, done as the Wiki guide said for 10.4.6 and now I am stuck. I have put the Osx disk in, it has loaded up etc, i'm on the install screen but i'm stuck on "Application install location"


It has no options to select anything, so what can I do?


I tried loading disk utility to format the partition as "HFS" but I can't see the hard drive there either.


The hard disk is serial ata (SATA), is this causing my problems?


Please help :thumbsup_anim:


What kind of Chipset do you have. Intel chipsets work fine for Sata, but nForce one's are terrible for Sata. i suggest you find an old IDE hard drive and use that. i have an intel board, but i still dont trust OSx86 with my Sata drives.

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Dayum, that sucks.


Can any of you help me going from here? I created a partition (10Gb) and set it as active, so now it says there is "Error loading operating system". How can I get back in here and change it so it isn't active?

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oo, thats a pain. I'm pretty sure there is some way you can do it with your XP install disk and the command prompt, or maybe fdisk. if you have a live linux cd, that might make it easier. idk the specifics.

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