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NO iLife?!?!


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The Goatsecx copy of OSX86 does not contain iLife, only iTunes 6.04. Why is this? Other OSX86 copies include every ilife appliaction exept for Gotsecx 10.4.6, is there a way to intall it somehow, could ilife be dw/nloaded and intalled or is there a need to cahnge some settings during the intall? What should be done? iMovie or iPohto would be good to have at the least if it is not possible to install the entire suite. Has anyone else noticed this or encountered this problem, it could be a problem with the download perhaps?


Is there also a software soloution to the GMA900 video card 'blue screen', which works best? And which OSX86 is best Jas or Goatsecx, would JaS have iLife bundled inside it?

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Maxxus 10.4.5 does not include iLife either.

I'm not sure is it really included any of the osx86-versions, or even "official" version of OS X (it isn't really part of OS X i think, it's separate software-suite).

You can download it, try same place where you get that osx-image or you can buy it, about $ 80.

(iLife06 is about 7Gb)

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No JaS does not have iLife in it. At least 10.4.6 doesnt. If you really want ilife 06 go and buy it or check the website you got the torrent for goatsecx dvd from. Its 6.12gb


If you get a mac, ilife is on the install disc with it. It isnt if you just buy the install discs.

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Thanks guys! I seemed to be confused, so no-one has iLife bundled on their OSX86. If i downloaded ilife would it work on OSX86?


Yes, of course. Try to download it from the green demon the 6 and something more gbytes version of ilife 06... it should be the ub version of it

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What about the blue screen isue when booting with GMA900 I cant seem to find a software soloution and those dongles are impractical. Has anyone overcome the "blue screen" with a patch or sofware upgrade?

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  • 10 months later...

I've installed JAS OSX 10.4.8 on a shuttle barebone.


I've got a Intel iMac with bundled iLife 06.

I want to install iLife 06 on my shuttle barebone.


But there is always an error "compatibility test aborted"


How can i install my iLife on my OSX86 Shuttle?

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iLife is a seperate package to osx.


ilife is about 4 GB so apple can not fit that and OSX on the same DVD so it is sold seperately.



yes a retail version will work on osx86, im using it right now.




if anyone wants ilife PM me and i will give you a download link

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iLife is a seperate package to osx.


ilife is about 4 GB so apple can not fit that and OSX on the same DVD so it is sold seperately.

yes a retail version will work on osx86, im using it right now.

if anyone wants ilife PM me and i will give you a download link


If you have the second os X DVD that comes with any intel mac, you can install ALL off iLife and iWork from that. Just drag the DVD icon onto pacifist and select install....

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