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Little trick


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Hi there,


I don't know if anybody uses this trick but is very useful for mi. First I install any OSx version, and then I make an HD image with Acronis (about 30 min to create the image.) Finally I can do experiments in SO, changing kext, applying patches and so on. If anything goes wrong I restore the image with Acronis (only 8 min to restore entire partition).


Well, is only an idea. :(



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Hi there,


I don't know if anybody uses this trick but is very useful for mi. First I install any OSx version, and then I make an HD image with Acronis (about 30 min to create the image.) Finally I can do experiments in SO, changing kext, applying patches and so on. If anything goes wrong I restore the image with Acronis (only 8 min to restore entire partition).


Well, is only an idea. :blink:




Dude! I just started a thread about this in the post installation folder...


Does Acronis really restore everything properly? Which version are ayou using if so?



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The version is Acronis True Image 7.0


And works perfectly. In the fact, I restore in other disk with more capacity and the OSx boot like other disk. Is the perfect solution, to have a testing plataform.



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Good tip, but I still find booting with -s and undoing changes to be quicker.


Good for guys who might not have the knowledge to do this though. (I know when I first started with OS X86, I just reinstalled when I fubarred anything)

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