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The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


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Hello :)


I wanted to install Os x. I used diskpart

(list disk

select disk [the number of your disk

create partition primary id=af). (I did something wrong :D )

After I did that PC rebooted, and there was a error about missing file hal.dll. I deleted that partition (G:\) and installed windows XP on other partition. Then I used Acronis Disk Director Suite and recovered partition G:\ . When I try to open it I get this error: errrror784087.jpg

I think something is wrong with MFT??

Please help me, I really have no idea what to do. I had really important files there. ( I know...I should backup files... )

Info about that partition:


Thank You :D





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Hi User2006. I see plenty of people have read your post, but no-one has replied yet. That's a tricky problem you have there. I agree your MFT is screwed and you need to avoid writing ANYTHING to that partition or you'll only make matters worse.


I'd take the physical disk out of the system and load XP onto a new drive. It doesn't have to be a big drive, because you're only going to use it for temporary booting. Then I'd obtain one of the various recovery utilities which you can find on the internet, attach the drive to the system again, preferably on a USB adapter so it doesn't have to be there at boot time, and run the recovery utility to see what it says.


I can't suggest any one utility, they all have different strengths and weaknesses, but if you can find one which appears to see your files you're part way there. I know this isn't a complete solution and I'm not a data recovery expert, but I didn't want your post to go ignored... Good luck ... and you already know what the moral to this story is! To paraphrase Big Al - "Back up early, back up often!"

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the reason you got a hall.dll error is becuase your boot.ini says what partition your systemroot is, and when you change your drive geometry (add or remove partitions) if you may have changed the number that the partion your systemroot resides in.

you would need to edit your boot.ini and change it to point to the correct partiton.

as for teh otehr error, it may be the same thing, it might think its looking at partition x, but its really looking at partition x+or- 1 and so its seing it as corrupt because its not what it thinks it should be. hope you find this in some way helpful.

perhaps when you added a partition, you then installed xp on the partition that would have been labeled g:\ ?


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