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Thanks to all of the info in the FAQs and forums, I just got 10.4.6 running on my Dell Dimension 4550 with a 3GHz CPU (with SSE2) and 512MB of memory. I used the patched installer DVD, customized the install to use the Intel patches and badda-bing!! I haven't tried all of the hardware, but sound works and the screen is running at 1024x768... I'll have to work on that one.


I had previously tried using dd to dump a 10.4.6 image onto my drive that worked great, but would only create a 6GB system partition. This was no good for installing other software such as iLife which insists on installing on the system drive.


I have a few things to work on, such as keyboard mapping and screen resolution, but that should be no prob.


Anyway, thanks again for all the great info posted here. I now dual-boot between OS X 10.4.6 and WinXP.



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Thanks to all of the info in the FAQs and forums, I just got 10.4.6 running on my Dell Dimension 4550 with a 3GHz CPU (with SSE2) and 512MB of memory. I used the patched installer DVD, customized the install to use the Intel patches and badda-bing!! I haven't tried all of the hardware, but sound works and the screen is running at 1024x768... I'll have to work on that one.


I had previously tried using dd to dump a 10.4.6 image onto my drive that worked great, but would only create a 6GB system partition. This was no good for installing other software such as iLife which insists on installing on the system drive.


I have a few things to work on, such as keyboard mapping and screen resolution, but that should be no prob.


Anyway, thanks again for all the great info posted here. I now dual-boot between OS X 10.4.6 and WinXP.



Hi Bro, which patched DVD did you use specifically? and also how did you customize the install? where do you need to do this? Can you help please!!!!


Thanks in advance bro, I really appreciate it...



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