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Which Graphics Card / GPU would you suggest? Dec 2010


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I'm almost done with purchasing my parts, but the one thing that is confusing me at this point is the graphics card to get in Dec 2010?

I've been learning a lot from the guide at NoFilmSchool.com. He's suggested that a GTX 460 or 465 or 470 is the way to go these days

But I keep seeing these reports that people's systems are crashing using the GTX 4X0's cards.

What do you guys think since I'm starting from scratch. Is the 460, 465, or 470 a solid option as of Dec 2010? And if so, which card would be best for video editing with FCP and CS5?

Gigabyte GTX285 1GB of RAM - $260

EVGA GTX460 with 768mb of RAM - $170

PNY GTX460 1024mb of RAM - $188

EVGA GTX460 Superclocked 1280mb of RAM - $218

EVGA GTX465 1GB - $199

EVGA GTX470 1280 MB - $260

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piggybacking on this...I built an x58a-ud3r/i7 system about 6 months ago...at the time i grabbed a 9500GT for something cheap and well supported, but i'd like to upgrade now. I thought by now, the GTX 4xx's would be relatively easy, but it seems like they still sometimes require work. So what is a GTX 2xx model that would be easy to install/is well-supported? I'm hoping for something in the $200 range or less, that I can just drop in and have work immediately, since everything is running fine at the moment.


I don't know how viable this is to create and maintain, but it would be nice if there was some kind of compatibility quick reference table...it's difficult to sort through the threads to find all this info!

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I would suggest the PNY GTX 260. You can pick it up for about $170. It is fully recognized by snow leopard. All you need is nvenabler. Not to mention the performance is amazing. I've had literally no problems with it at all.


you can get an ati 5850 form new egg for about $175 which is much faster.

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