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installed it but now how do i boot?


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you usually have to manually restart, just wait until you see the mach REBOOT message.


Also check the wiki, installation guides is the first thing in there, just pick one and begin


EDIT: Oh, and hey, don't want to be a jerk or anything, but I count 10 typos in your two sentence post?? It only takes a sec to proofread and makes it much easier for the rest of us. Thanks! :)

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EDIT: Oh, and hey, don't want to be a jerk or anything, but I count 10 typos in your two sentence post?? It only takes a sec to proofread and makes it much easier for the rest of us. Thanks! :)




A lot of the members come from all over the world. English is not their native language. They are struggling to communicate the best they can. I dare you to write 2 sentences in their native language and not make a lot of mistakes.

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