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Browser text anti aliasing


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Hi guys,

So I've been irritated lately by the way text looks on some websites. I've tried different anti aliasing settings in OS X (even via terminal) and it hasn't helped. The website where I see it the most is www.vcdq.com (pls don't judge!). I have (2) Dell 2408FPW's on two different hackintoshes. When I hook either one up to my MacBook Pro, the issue disappears.


Both hackintoshes have nVidia cards (one 8800 GS & one GTX 260). Strangely, the MacBook Pro also has an nVidia card (8600M). I'm running the latest Chameleon RC5 release but it's happened on both hackintoshes for as long as I can remember, it's just finally starting to annoy me.


Has anyone seen anything like this before?! Thanks.

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Nope. Looks OK. I too have Dell 2408WFP display. Checked the site you've linked to. Everything is smooth and nice...

I've NVGF8800 Ultra. Enabled with ATY_Init (GraphicsEnabler=Yes enables only full resolution but no Core Image or Quartz Extreme, same with EFI string). AnVAL4 boot loader is used. Leopard 10.5.8 Retail-like.


EDIT: Firefox 3.6.12

EDIT2: Added Windows7 (native) version. Firefox 3.6.12. Same PC&display. Not sure if the difference is very obvious.


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Yeah I found out that Leopard didn't have these issues. I did find a quasi solution tho...




Seems Snow Leopard messed with some LCD's (which would be why yours didn't have the issue). This terminal command (different from the one I used previously) WORKED! It still doesn't look as good as it does with the MBP hooked up but it's much better.


Also, I have anti aliasing issues on the front page. If you go into the forums, it usually works a lot better. That small font on the front page is what kills it.

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