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Boot loop after installing iATKOS


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Hi, I'm kinda of a noob at this stuff so pardon me for my noobiness. To start off, i download the iATKOS S3 and burned it to a disc. At first, the thing kept restarting so i researched a little and finally put busratio=20 (without -v) and it worked. I went through the setup, i was cofused which wirelss i had so i chose all the realtek ones, and the installation finished successfully. I took out the disc and the Chameleon RC4 thingy came up. Every time i try to boot OSx, it reboots. I installed it with windows 7 on the same hard drive.


Computer specs:


Core i5 450m

Nvidia 310m

4gb ram


Did I mention: I like cheese.

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Are you sure that it installed Chameleon correctly? If OS X is installed on the second partition then the installer may have tried to install the Chameleon "boot" file on your windows partition. I would recommend buying a 16 gig thumb drive or external usb hdd and installing OS X to it. That way there is nothing else on the drive and you can make sure the critical "boot" file in installed correctly. Plus then you have a backup incase you screw things up.

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  • 1 month later...

I've got this exact same issue...


I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro L650 (Core i5 450M) which had Windows 7 on it.


I had previously installed OSX on my desktop once upon a time so figured it was gonna be no prob to install on my laptop.


After finding out I needed to use the busratio=19 parameter before booting iAtkos I went and installed OSX to an empty partition on my laptop hard drive.


Now when I boot my laptop it goes to the chameleon loader and if I select OSX it just reboots and if I select Windows 7 it just says it cant find the winload.exe. I even tried bcdedit but it says it cant find the bcd store. So right now my laptop does nothing ;).


I tried running OSX using the same busratio option but it still reboots.


Any suggestions on how to get either OS working?

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Just thought I'd throw up the solution to my issue...


I didnt have much time to diagnose yesterday which is why I posted this up as a potential time saver (its a laptop I use for work and needed it asap this morning).


All I did was boot my Hirens Boot CD and loaded up Mini Windows XP and set my Windows 7 partition as the active partition again. Then I had to boot off my Windows 7 DVD and run the startup repair (if I didnt set the partition to active the repair utility did not detect any windows installations).


Once I did that I used EasyBCD to add in a Mac boot entry and I'm all set...


Now I just have to get OSX working

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