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is anyone at list following the New Users Longe?


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Hey guys, i ve been searching so much a solution for my installation, end anytime i came across any packardbell posted on this site in new lounge there is not unsware for it..


my post is this




i ll be really happy if anyone do samething for it...i am trying any how now and any sudgestion will be apreciated.

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is anyone at least following the New Users Longe?


Hi k1kk0


We are all volunteers here.

The purpose of this forum is to support one another on a voluntary basis.

It is also to create a database people can use in order to get their hackintosh going, if compatible at all.

With other words, nobody owes you anything.

As to your laptop, I have many doubts it is compatible with OS X.

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Hi k1kk0


We are all volunteers here.

The purpose of this forum is to support one another on a voluntary basis.

It is also to create a database people can use in order to get their hackintosh going, if compatible at all.

With other words, nobody owes you anything.

As to your laptop, I have many doubts it is compatible with OS X.


i din t mean to be any pain in the a@+em as i kno9w that u all are volontaryes, end i probably been to much on the rush, i was just chacking if at the loung waas same1, coz i ve seen many posts after mine that was allready full of unswares, so i thought that the lounge was no0t seen that much....u know i been in about 30 forums checking for my hackintosh end many of theme was empty....

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Packard Bell AMD laptop, why would anyone want to install OSX on it?

It's not surprising why you don't get any replies on 30 different forums.



have seen it?!?!

i am getting mad for it, wen i get stack on samething end i see isn t that far...

what u mean about packard bell & AMD...it ll be interesting to see if i can run it, i can reboot after installation but OS is missing or stroke...i mean is not that i am so far from it or am i wrong??

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