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That's my first step with MacOS. So I have one problem. I have a NVidia graphics card and a 17' TFT monitor.

I have installed the latest driver from macvidia.com. But it only gives me the resolution 800*600. But I would like to have native resolution 1280*1024.

I have also tried to modify com.apple.Boot.plist with 1280*1024*32, but with no effect.

Where can I change my display-settings?




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Have you tried installing Callisto? That usually helps me (It got me my naitive 1650x1050)




Callisto is for ATi-Cards only, he talked about an nvidia he got...

i´m stuck at a similar problem... hmm... i just got this to work on my last install, but how?!



have you followed the guide in the readme? maybe there are still things that have to be done by you!

Did you try the automated installer or the manual one from MacVida? The automated one didn't work for me either. Once I tried the older version..I think 1.5 and intalled manually I got the resolution problem fixed. The manual method step by step is posted in the macvidia forum.

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