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Noob: will 10.4.6 work on my box?


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I'd like to run OSX on my machine:


CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1.24 GHz

MB: MSI K7N2 Delta 2


Graphics: nVidia GeForce FX5500


Will 10.4.6 run on this box? I'm thinking about upgrading the CPU, RAM and Graphics, so I'm mostly concerned about whether the mother board will work with OSX also. If not, I guess I'll just build a new box. AMD has slashed the prices of their CPU's and I'd like to take advantage of that. Or should I just go with an Intel CPU? Any and all suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!!

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Thanks Rkwok,


Guess that means I might as well build a new box. I'm guessing I should go with an Intel CPU and ATI graphics since that's what Apple uses. I'd like to use this box mostly for graphics intensive applications so a GPU with 256 MB video ram would probably be the first thing I'll spec out. Any suggestions? I'm on a limited budget, so I'd like to keep my costs down. Is there a particular CPU / GPU that seems to work best and doesn't cost a lot?

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Thanks Rkwok,


Guess that means I might as well build a new box. I'm guessing I should go with an Intel CPU and ATI graphics since that's what Apple uses. I'd like to use this box mostly for graphics intensive applications so a GPU with 256 MB video ram would probably be the first thing I'll spec out. Any suggestions? I'm on a limited budget, so I'd like to keep my costs down. Is there a particular CPU / GPU that seems to work best and doesn't cost a lot?


For GPU, you might want to look at x1600. It seems to be the most compatible ATI card. It still requires the Boris patch to work.

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