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So I installed OSX 86 10.4.6 and it worked great, I had a b0 error but I fixed that using the command prompt on the boot cd. When I installed I used the SSE3 patch, but when I go to "about this mac", it only says SSE2 for the processer. All aplications that I have run (so far) have worked execpt for azureus, it runs pretty smoothly, but Im worries about this issue, do you think it will be a problem? Do i need to downgrade, and is there a patch to do this, or will i have to re-install. Thanx.

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Well I reinstalled it with SSE2 support and it still works but it appears to be tad bit slower, is there anyway I can install both patches at the same time during the install? Or will that fu..I mean screw everything up?

oh and btw I dont have anything else on this hard drive so there no chance of running cpuid.

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