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Mutltiple OSX for Multiple Hardware T61 & X61T + Win7 on same HDD

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Mutltiple OSX for Multiple Hardware T61 & X61T + Win7 on same HDD


I have a 100GB 7200 SATA HDD lying spare from my T61 as I replaced it with a larger WD.


I want to use this HDD for several things together - :)


I want to install several partitions (not necessarily in that order):

- 1: Mac OSX SL customized for use in my X61T

- 2: Mac OSX SL customized for use in my T61

- 3: Windows 7 for use in T61 or X61T

- 4: Maybe a Linux or something?


Can I do the above?

If so, what order should I follow to do that and what things do I need to do..



Order of Installs

Boot Manager / Loader / EFI etc.


Some high level direction would be great.

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Remember, you only get 4 primary partitions. If you have less than 2GB of ram, I would have to recommend a swap partition (you almost need one if less than 1gb).



Which bootloder do you want: Chameleon or GRUB2? (GRUB2 is only for linuxes with GRUB2)

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