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Need help extracting a HFS partition from an ISO


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I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this, but it's about as close to it as I can get.


So I kinda broke my snow install DVD(Long story), but I managed to grab a dump from another one not too long ago (I used dd with a BS of 2048 to dump the full DVD to a file). Problem is that I dont have access to dual layer blank DVD's (geographic isolation..), only single layer, 4.7GB disks.


I have the image here:

[meh@nullifer /Volumes/My Passport]ls -lh snow_install.iso 
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root  admin   6.3G  4 Aug 17:29 snow_install.iso


However once mounted, it only contains a 4.3GB HFS filesystem (I trimmed some of the {censored} out of it):

[meh@nullifer /Volumes/My Passport]df -h  | grep DVD
/dev/disk3	 6.3Gi  4.1Gi  2.2Gi	65%	/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD


It's mounted a RW:

[meh@nullifer /Volumes/My Passport]mount | grep DVD
/dev/disk3 on /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners, mounted by meh)


So far so good. The only problem is when I go to re-burn the image, we are trying to burn a >6GB partition onto a <5 GB disk, which is stupid :)


Does anyone know how to re-size a HFS partition which is contained inside of an ISO? Alternatively, I was thinking of extracting the HFS partition and then resizing it when I have a RAW partition. Does anyone have any idea's?




I tried diskutil from the CLI:

[meh@nullifer ~]diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk3 limits
Volume format does not support resizing

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