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GA-P35-DS3L install with IDE dvd drive not working


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Im trying to install OSX following this tutorial: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=222316


I burned the slboot.iso but when it boots it hangs on cdboot:done. I think this is because I am booting it with an IDE dvd drive. Is there anyway to patch this iso so it can boot from the IDE drive or is there anyway I can convert this image to a USB drive and just boot with that? Any help is appreciated, thanks

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use HackBoot



1- load optmized defaults in bios


2-set in the bios


-Onboard Sata/Ide Ctrl Mode=IDE


everything you need is here

just do not use the patch audio, the rest you can take advantage


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use HackBoot



1- load optmized defaults in bios


2-set in the bios


-Onboard Sata/Ide Ctrl Mode=IDE


everything you need is here

just do not use the patch audio, the rest you can take advantage



Can I just use hackboot and follow the rest of the tutorial I posted? The link you gave me is in portugese and its confusing.

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Can I just use hackboot and follow the rest of the tutorial I posted? The link you gave me is in portugese and its confusing.





but I just did the tutorial in Portuguese

You can follow any tutorial using HackBoot

do not forget the kext jmicronata.kext

it is within the "post installation" folder "sata/ata"


2 pstates


edit the patch





Method (_PSS, 0, NotSerialized)\n
Return (Package (0x02)\n
	Package (0x06)\n
		Zero, \n
		Zero, \n
		0x10, \n
		0x10, \n
		0xFFVV, // FF = FID, VV = VID\n
		Zero	// P-state 0\n
	}, \n
	Package (0x06)\n
		Zero, \n
		Zero, \n
		0x10, \n
		0x10, \n
		0xFFVV, // FF = FID, VV = VID\n
		One	// P-state 1\n

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