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Gigabyte gt220 ddr3 PCIE problem snow leo

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Hi guys,

i m new in this forum post. i used installing several leopard/Snow in different types of PC with low price card like 9400gt/8800gt/9600gt etc. The problem begins from the latest low profile vga cards like GT-220 DDR3 1GB. i cant giving these cards proper resolution in any pc, all the pc's are gvinig me the vesa resolution 1024x768 poor res & no other resolution available there. i read many posts about editing com.apple.boot.plist file by putting manually proper resolution , but that isnt solution for me bcoz of no QE/CI support.


But now now i m facing a big problem with some pc, corrently working with one-its config is given below.


Mobo intel DG33FB

Graphics-Gigabyte gt220 1GB ddr3.

6GB Ram

intel Core 2 Duo processor

22inch Dual Samsung LCD.


i cant install snow leopard from usb stick/drive bcoz it freezes in language selection screen(i used myhack guide). i m able to install the OS iDeneb 10.5.8 without selecting any video driver. After completing installation it shows me the welcome video without any flicker. But after login to desktop it only shows me 1024x768. There is no other res available. my ques is--


is there any driver for gigabyte gt220 ddr3 1gb card?

if it is then is that installer package or kext?

if kext wil that work for Leopard 10.5.8?


Is XFX gt220 1gb and Gigabyte gt220 1gb same card/driver for leopard/Snow leo?

i think both use nvdia chip, but are they both same for mac?


i heard one of my friend install leopard 10.5.8 properly with XFX gt220 1gb by selecting nvinjector 1gb. But in my Gigabyte gt220 1gb if i select nvinjector 1gb while instal leo 10.5.8 it freeze circle icon while shows apple boot logo.--- What could be the problem?


Sorry guys for my poor english and long story. Pls help me out, i will be oblige. Thanks.

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