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How can I copy kexts to the Extensions folder on Linux?


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Well I installed a ACPI fix package, but when I rebooted my computer I noticed that the sound wasn't working anymore, so, I reinstalled the sound drivers then rebooted again but still, no sound.


So, I removed the ACPI kext on the Extensions folder. Rebooted, crossed my fingers and then as I thought, kernel panic.

Luckily, when I installed the ACPI fix, it made a backup on the Extensions folder. So, I booted a Linux live CD and saved the backed up folder on my flashdrive.

But now I've got a problem, Linux doesn't let me restore the kexts because when I copy the kexts to the extensions folder a error pops up saying that the folder is read-only and that makes sense because on mac I'd have to type my password so I could have premission to modify it's content.


But I need to find a way to restore the kexts on that folder, so I can boot my MAC without kernel panic, so... can anyone help me? :wacko:


Any help would be appreciated...

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You have to enable Journaling from the Disk Utility menu to access that under linux, if i am not wrong of course, try to boot with a dvd distro and see if you can enable journaling on your mac partition, then try again with linux to copy back your correct extensions, if not, then use a BartPE or any windows live boot cd and try transmac to do the job, hope that helps.

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