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BLUE SCREEN or BLACK SCREEN with Zotac nVidia Geforce GTS 250 Eco

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;) Hi everyone, :D


I installed perfectly the version from iATKOS S3 SL 10.6.3, and when I start in verbose mode it is a second before to come to the visible part of OS X I have a black screen and it stucks.


I used the GraphicsEnabler=Yes option.


When I install iATKOS S3 without GraphicsEnabler I enter in OS X perfectly but without Graphics Support.


For this I used the aquamac EFI String Tutorial http://aquamac.proboards.com/index.cgi?act...&thread=509 and made the output file (EXTRA UNDER LEOPARD NOT UNDER SL) and get a BLUE SCREEN



I also tried to install NVDANV50Hal.kext and NVDAResman.kext from SL 10.6.1 but I get a blue screen and it stucks.


Has anyone another solution how to get a Zotac Geforce GTS 250 under Snow Leopard 10.6.3 work!!! ;);):rolleyes:

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I traded my ATI 4850 in for a "more compatable" Nvidia card, and this POS doesnt even run outside of safe mode!


I've tried DSDT setting, Injectors, Graphics Enabler, and EFI strings - but the most I get is 1024 safe mode.



I've read a lot of forums over this and is seems to vary greatly depending on the card manufacturer. Are you other zotac owners able to get a picture with your VGA port? I get a black/blue screen (no picture) with DVI, but i get basic (1024) output with the VGA port. Seeing as different GTS250 cards are reported to work flawlessly, do you think it would be worth flashing this POS?



Im frustrated.


also, shouldnt this be in the post-install / drivers section?

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