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To mods and all else:

I posted this post in the Snow Leopard, Leopard, and Tiger subforums in case it may be possible to run those OS's on this machine-


My setup-

Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 620

Motherboard: Gigabyte A770E3

Memory: Corsair 4GB DDR3 1333mhz

GPU: BFG Tech (nVidia) GTS 250

PSU: Coolmax 600W


My Goal-

Just want to run a earlier (kind of) version of Mac.

Want to use iLife, and the such.

And just for the cool factor.

Highly doubt my mobo/proc will support OSx86, but hey, someone may know it can!


Any advice?



I'll probably most likely be adding a SATA/IDE drive separately to use only for the Mac partition, so formatting SHOULDN'T be an issue?

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With iATKOS V7, just burn the ISO, and go about the install?

Anything special?

Sorry, a bit.. new to hackintosh's.


Also, read that a SATA DVD Drive may/may not work?


Last question, would it be possible to dual boot with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit? (On the same hard drive, I could probably side off about 100GBs or so..)

Couldn't find if my setup is currently supported with drivers, will iATKOS cover those?


Covered the OSx86 Wiki and Database as well as a few other sites, nothing shows up with my setup.. =/


Thanks! DLing the iATKOS V7 now..

So, I disconnected my drives, plugged the one I want to use in, boot up from the iATKOS V7, everything alright.

Get to the "Press any key to start from CD" and such.


Loads darwin, and gets to the white screen with the Apple logo on it.

From there, the scrolling wheel goes on for about a minute or two, then a new thing pops up (You know the circle with the line through it? Like it's no good), right on the stem of the Apple...


It stays here for about 5 minutes, then does nothing, it keeps spinning and such.


So I stopped it, does this go on, or did I do something wrong? :X

You'll see "Still waiting for root device" when OS X can't talk to your drive controller, either because you haven't installed the right driver for it, because your PATA drives are jumpered/cabled wrong, your drives are attached to an unsupported controller (then you're out of luck), or SATA is not set to AHCI mode in the BIOS.



Most modern motherboards have a secondary SATA controller from JMicron, Silicon Image or Marvell.


The SATA ports of the secondary controller are normally colored differently (white or orange) than those of the primary controller (usually red). Check your motherboard manual to see which ports belong to which controller.


There are drivers for OS X for the most common secondary controllers, but the main controller (Intel ICHx or Nvidia nForce) is usually the more compatible since Apple use Intel ICHx and nForce as well.


If you have problems with drives not being recognized, either plug them into a port on the main drive controller, or find and install drivers for the "off-chipset" drive controller.


For PATA (IDE) drives, try a different jumper setting and/or cable position, and make sure you're using 80 conductor cables. If you have two IDE ports, put each device at the end of it's own cable and jumper it as master device.

There's very limited support for PATA drives in OS X (IIRC no modern Macs have PATA devices?) so you'll probably need a community provided driver to get your PATA drives running. Again Intel and Nvidia are the easiest to get working.


The Chameleon bootloader official download includes some injector or "legacy" kexts for many common PATA and SATA controllers.


If your board has a Marvell 6xxx controller, you need AppleVIAATA or SuperVIAATA.kext. There are also nForceATA and ATIATA kexts out there. Older Intel boards with ICH5 might need a patched AppleIntelPIIATA.kext.


Intel ICHx or nForce SATA controllers in AHCI mode (set in the BIOS) are the most compatible and easiest to get working.


Gringo Vermelho

Wow, that looked very confusing.

I'll give it another try.

Since I don't mind having a PATA drive only for Mac OS X, that's what I'm doing.

A 120GB Seagate PATA Drive, jumpered in Master.

I'll try different positions on the cable (One side goes into Mobo, of course, then two connections to plug into the harddrives and such.


I'll try and plug it into the other connector.


Besides that, what else can I try?

I don't have any spare SATA drives, and not even sure if my SATA controller can support ICHx nor nForce..

It looks like it just wasn't meant to be.


Tried Primary and Secondary connectors on the PATA Cable.

Tried Cable Select, Master, Slave jumpers.


Everything still ends up with the good ol' "Still waiting for root device"


Could it be that my DVD drive is a SATA and not IDE?


I do see this though:


"IOATA Controller blocking bus"




I also see this:


"ERROR: FireWire unable to determine security-mod; defaulting to full-secure"




Any of this relate to my root device error?




Do you know if the Biostar A770E3 motherboard has a Intel ICHx (doubtful) or nForce SATA Controller?

Can't find it on google.

Also, if all else fails, recommend a cheap, but decent motherboard that supports IDE/SATA (Preferbably SATA) and a AM3 Processor?


Thanks man!

Well, new issues! Yipee!


Well, kind of.

iDeneb and iATKOS V7 both are not detecting the root device (IDE Drive).


Snow Leopard by Hazard reboots @ the "Using ACPI blah blah blah".


Looks like a SATA Drive is mandatory? ;)

It didn't completely work, it went straight into installation, didn't go any further than that since my SATA drives are important for my W7 install.


I'm going to try those commands in Hazard with an IDE.. maybe it'll work!


If all else fails, I'm going to push away some space on my 500GB to try and dualboot.


Where's that tutorial? To dualboot Win7 Ultimate 64bit and Mac?

Are you asking what I selected?

I get a kernel panic now, during installation.




I selected:

Everything already selected and:


Both voodoo kernel's



that's about it.

What SHOULD I select if you have the time?


My setup-

Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 620

Motherboard: Gigabyte A770E3

Memory: Corsair 4GB DDR3 1333mhz

GPU: BFG Tech (nVidia) GTS 250

PSU: Coolmax 600W

Hey, your English is perfect.

I can understand you perfectly.


I'll try again right now.

Just 9.7.0?

How about the networking?

nevermind, none of my networking cards match them.




Just installed, all went well until it tried rebooting, restarted, and this came up preventing it from going on-



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