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DSDT causes reboot

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Hi, I am having trouble getting my DSDT with my videocard fix to work in Snow Leopard. This DSDT works fine in Leopard with full QE/CI and dual monitors. But anytime I try to use it in Snow I get a system freeze or reboot. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the problem is? My specs, distributions I've tried, and the DSDT file are below. Thanks.



Hazard- Installs fine can boot up. With DSDT I get no QE/CI but dual screens and finder crashes anytime you try to use it. Tried both NVinject and the ATY_Init but both cause a reboot right before the desktop load.


Hazard (10.6.4) - DSDT doesn't work system will not boot with it.


SnowLeo- Same as above.


Retail Snow - Same as above.


Specs :


Motherboard - Gigabyte k8u-939

CPU - AMD 3200+ 939 (Laugh at me all you want)

GPU - Nvidia 6800 XT (Yes, I'm rocking the AGP)

2 GB of ram


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Hi !


You could try pcj's fix (google it) He adds some extra code in which you might need. Seems to work for some people.


Edit. Seen your already using his code


also did you add your device id's to nv4hal before you go and try that?





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