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MBP Suspend Problem

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I have a problem with my MBP 17": If I suspend the laptop (close lid and wait until led flashes) and then grab the unit to walk away it'll wake from suspend (eg. you can see the display switching on becase the apple glows and you get the same sound from the hdd as on normal wakeup).


Is anyone else seeing this problem or isit specific to my unit?


Thx, Atmos

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I got this off of Mac's support site and thought this may help but isn't direced toward your problem. They say if you computer won't turn on "Press the control key, the command key, and the power button simultaneously and hold for three seconds to try to restart the computer." This may or may not help but I'd give it a try. I couldn't get my MacBook to start the second day i had it and tried that and it worked fine ever since. Let us know how it goes.

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