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Proper Dual Boot SL 10.6.2 --> Win7 64Bit

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Currently this is my plan.

I would like to make dual boot system from my OSX installation.


Currently I already make 3 partition from OSX Disk Utility (SL 10.6.2) which is.


2. GUID (OSX Source Install)

3. MS FAT (for windows partition)


I've used Chameleon 2 RC 4 with upgraded to PC EFI 10.6.


I already make OSX installation and running successfully on my PC, and now its my time to Install Win7 64bit.


If there any suggestion/tips or trick to do this would much be appreciated.

Im looking all the forum topics, seems have so many ways to do this from simple to the complex one,


at least from this post we will know how to do this properly and simple, specially if there anyone had an experience to build with the same case.


Thanks in advance.


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In SL type (I don't know if this will work in SL, as I use puppy)

   dd if=/dev/<ata drive devicename> of=<where you want it>/mbr.bin bs=512 count=1

and after you're done installing SL and windows,

   dd if=<where you put the file>/mbr.bin of=/dev/<ata drive devicename>

as outlined here.


I would use GParted to partition the drive, it doesn't require GUID to make HFS+. Keep in mind you may only have a max of 4 partitions, and the only way to circumvent this is to make extended partitions. Chameleon will not read into extended partitions.

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