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Install from scratch?


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Recently, after trying the real OSX in my Windows laptop, I decide to switch to Mac, apparantly the Macbook Pro is very very well priced.


However, after reading through the topics in this forum, I found out that there are many problems associated with BootCamp.


It seems that those hardware are nearly identical to Wintel PCs, like the CPU, Display card (except for the Airport card).


So, an idea came out:

Can we install Both windows and OSX like we are in a Hackintosh? That is: boot up with WinXP disc and start installing.


I'm fed up with unsupported hardware in OSX with my Windows laptop, and I really need something that is stable (WinXP always hangs when I was working.....)

On the other hand, I have loads of "Entertaining software" for windows, so I need a laptop with dual boot, one is a stable OS (MacOSX seems to be a good choice) and one for entertainment.

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All bootcamp really is is a gui around repartitioning the disc easily, and then burning a cd with the relevant windows drivers for the machine on it, after updating firmware which is needed either way windows xp install cd will just boot, though I'm not sure how well things work out if you use windows to setup the disc instead of going though os x first, but need some of the drivers from bootcamp for full functionality of some things, like the brightness controls.

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