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AD1885 AC97 doesnt work under leopard


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i have a SoundMAX AD1885 AC97 integrated into a dell optiplex gx400. the sound worked fine using a Jas 10.4.8 but i have tried every thing on this fourm i could find on this sound card and i still don't get any sound in leopard. in System Preferences > Sound, it doesnt even have any out put, inputs or devices listed with any kexts.

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i have already done that. how can i see which kexts are loaded/injected in the system while it's running. besides looking in the /Extra/E folder of course. i thought there is a startup log but im not sure where it is

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You can run kextstat from terminal or open system profiler and look under software/extensions.


yep, i found the problem, acording to kextstat the ac97 kext is not being injected on system startup. i also checked the system logs, nothing! :) why is the kext not being loaded?

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i got it to work thanks. this is how i did it:


First: get macgirl's AppleAC97Audio.kext from somewheres


Second: put AppleAC97Audio.kext in your /E/E folder if you have a retail install or /S/L/E if you have a modded install.


Third:go to AppleAC97Audio.kext/Contents/Plugins/ and copy AppleAC97AudioIntelICH.kext to your /E/E or /S/L/E folder


Fourth: give AppleAC97Audio.kext and AppleAC97AudioIntelICH.kext permissions

sudo chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext 
sudo chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions/AppleAC97AudioIntelICH.kext


Fifth: load the kexts:

sudo kextload /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext
sudo kextload /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions/AppleAC97AudioIntelICH.kext
sudo kextload /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions/*


Sixth: i tried a reboot. it doesnt stick you have to do it again i think you can add it to the kext cache and it will work but im not sure how to do it.

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Could you post how you got it to work? It will be helpful to other users with the same hardware.


Excellent, thanks!




You cannot use the kext in /E/E probably because of dependencies on IOPCIFamily and other stuff.


I used patched AC97 kexts on my P4 hack as well. You need to replace the original AC97 kexts/plugins with the modified ones.

Fix permissions recursively on S/L/E before rebooting, or you won't get any sound.

Modifying files in S/L/E doesn't matter much if you're on 10.5.8, there's probably not going to be an update to that any time soon.


Leopard rebuilds the extensions cache by itself (for the kexts in S/L/E) you don't have to do anything.

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