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Adium user icon/osx user icon


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Ok, so when i try and change my user icon in system preferences, it closes


and when i try and change my icon in adium, it crashes adium?




if you know how to change the icons manually let me know.




i'm running 10.4.3, SSE2, 2.0ghz 512mb ram 20gb hd dell latitude c640

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that's an awesome app, but it didn't help me :/


i want to change my adium aim user icon, the one you see in aim profiles or w\e

i figured out how to change my osx user icon though



you can just add a picture to this folder and it shows up in sys prefs\accounts picure tab



library\user pictures\



need to know how to change adium's aim user icon (the one you see in aim profiles etc)


nvm :construction:



adium changed it's icon to my osx user icon after i restarted




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