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Safe boot resolution great - Normal boot resolution crappy


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I have a dell inspiron 600m using the Ati 9000 mobility videocard.


I installed 10.4.6 using JaS DVD. Selected the customize option and selected to install the INTEL patches, etc.


Restart after installation laptop booted into 1024X768 resolution. No good so ...


I edit the Boot.plist file and made an entry for <string>Graphics Mode</string>. . . and set the resolution to 1400X1050X32 (native resolution for my notebook).


Boot into Normal mode (just pressing ENTER at the boot: prompt) my display is screwed up, wierd lines across the screen can't really see anything.


Rebooted into SAFE BOOT and the resolution is perfect 1400X1050 (beautiful), why does this work in SAFE BOOT and not in NORMAL BOOT?


Any help would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the response. That was helpful. But it begs the question how can I get QE/CG and full resolution?


If I reinstall and DO NOT apply the patch, what happens? Do I get it all?




It depends. In my case (mobility 9700 64mb) if i install with mobility patch, screen gets srambled in normal mode.


Else i got 1024x768 only which is not native res and qe/cg active.

I installed callisto b03 for full res support.


You should do some research in the forum, i have seen some topics regarding your graphics. but if u get your res in safe mode i think you will also get it in normal, mode using same method. As for qe/cg i don't know, just click search :D

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Ok. I got full resolution by using callisto b03 ATI driver. Now I am looking into getting QE/CG active. They are both say "Not Supported" at the moment.


Any help would be appreciated but I will do some research on this forum.



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