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ASUS P6X58D-E with i7 930

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I have been doing some research and I am really digging the ASUS P6X58D-E. I read the "My Holy Hackintosh Build!" by smeared where he used a ASUS P6X58D Premium and it seems was able to get OSx running. I  am wondering if anyone has the -E version working they are very similar with small differences. The most noticeable is a different sata controller which could cause problems, but Im not sure. If anyone has any experience with this board let me know, I am days away from ordering this setup.

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  • 1 month later...
I have been doing some research and I am really digging the ASUS P6X58D-E. I read the "My Holy Hackintosh Build!" by smeared where he used a ASUS P6X58D Premium and it seems was able to get OSx running. I  am wondering if anyone has the -E version working they are very similar with small differences. The most noticeable is a different sata controller which could cause problems, but Im not sure. If anyone has any experience with this board let me know, I am days away from ordering this setup.


I would be interested in knowing how your build went. I'm into mine a little bit with the same motherboard and processor.


ASUS p6x58D-E

2 WD Caviar Black HDS that are SATA 6 compatible, but I run on the SATA 3

NVIDIA GT 240 (But I'm thinking about returning for the 9800 GT)

OCZ Vertex 2

6 Gb OCZ DDR 3 Ram 1066mhz

Corsair 750 PSU


I used the myhack installer with graphics disabled setting and then used [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] to use nvidia injector. My post installation is a little sloppy so I couldn't tell you my way is the best. I've been reading through this thread, http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=199818 but haven't tried messing with this dsdt yet. So far everything runs ok, but I'm pretty sure my performance is at a suck level compared to how it could be with a good dsdt and the right KEXT's. Still haven't gotten audio working yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
mine worked fine, followed this instructions


lan not working but i use a different card anyway that seems to work on more systems




I'm having trouble getting my build to even get to the Mac OS X installer window.


My build is:



1x Nvidia Fermi 470

12GB ram (unplugged to 4 to no avail)

Intel Core i7 980x


I've followed all kinds of walk-throughs and can still not get my installer to launch, even with various bootloaders and boot methods. I've tried all kinds of combinations of the flags listed in the above link. I'm very new to this scene, so any advice anyone can give would be genuinely appreciated.



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  • 5 months later...
I have been doing some research and I am really digging the ASUS P6X58D-E. I read the "My Holy Hackintosh Build!" by smeared where he used a ASUS P6X58D Premium and it seems was able to get OSx running. I  am wondering if anyone has the -E version working they are very similar with small differences. The most noticeable is a different sata controller which could cause problems, but Im not sure. If anyone has any experience with this board let me know, I am days away from ordering this setup.


I have the same setup with the E and would love to know if this work. Can you post a link to the guide you found?

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  • 5 months later...

anyone managed to get the two extra SATA ports to work? i've maxed out the 6 normal ones, the 6gb ones crash the system if i plug anything in


is there a bios setting for it?

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