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wrong disk usage after restoring a system dmg

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I restored a dmg of my prior system to a larger partition (new drive). The new drive shows the same available space as the old partition, even though it is 4GB larger.



Dell Mini 9

SL 10.6.1

Original drive - stock SSD with MBR partition scheme (~9GB partition)

New drive - larger SSD with MBR partition scheme (~13GB partition)


- Boot from USB drive and create an image of my Mini's original OSX partition using Disk Utility

- Swap out the SSD for the new one

- Partition the new SSD using Ubuntu Live CD, MBR scheme

- Boot from USB drive and restore image to the new partition

- Finder shows 13GB drive, 9GB on disk, 4GB available

- OmniDiskSweeper shows 5GB total


It appears that in restoring the image, it's blocked off 4 GB of space, the difference between the old partition and the new partition.


I assumed that restoring an image would expand the system to fill the new partition size. Is this the default behaviour of Drive Utility.


If Drive Utility won't work, will CCC do what I want for MBR partitions?


The reason I'm doing this is because Software Update wants 5.6GB free to install the 10.6.3 upgrade.



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