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App submitted to App Store for wirelessly sync'ing with iPhone


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Developer Greg Hughes has submitted a an app to Apple's App Store for wirelessly syncing the iPhone with iTunes via Wi-Fi. Although it's highly unlikely Apple will approve it, it does provide hope to the rest of us that eventually the ability to sync without a USB connection will be possible.


Peep the video below for a demo of the software in action!


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:D rofl @ zune .


on a serious note, i think this is silly anyway.

you can get much faster speeds through usb, and it charges rather than drains the battery.

Hey, so I have a Zune, so what? I also have an iTouch that I use as a PDA. I do agree wireless syncing is kinda silly, but you can be lazy like me and sync while sitting on the couch, instead of being in my room at the computer. Also, I guess you could use the wall charger, so the sync doesn't drain battery.

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BUYER BEWARE - Do NOT expect ANY support from Greg Hughes if you encounter any problems with his Wi-Fi Sync software. I purchased the Windows version of Greg’s Wi-Fi Sync software and attempted to install on several PC’s with the same results “application failed to start”. I submitted a friendly trouble ticket on Greg’s support site over a month ago and Greg has made NO attempt to respond. A second trouble ticket also went unanswered as did a request for a refund. PayPal will only assist if the software was purchased via EBay, not Cydia. Jay Freeman of Cydia also didn’t respond to my email requesting assistance. BUYER BEWARE!

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