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I'm a little noob at this so any help with easy-to-follow steps would helpful.


Anyway, on to the question. I recently inherited an ATI Radeon X550 256MB GPU from my dad who upgraded recently. I don't like the card but it would be more likely to support QE/CI than my native iGPU, the nVidia GeForce 8200. I searched around and found that the Radeon X550 is indeed QE/CI compatibile. With that, I installed iAtkos v7 onto my secondary IDE drive. It installed fine and I went to go do the first boot in verbose mode, I found it hit a blackscreen. Then I tried single user, safe, & reload kext mode & I still got a black screen. I don't know exactly what going on so some support would be nice.


I'm running the X550 through PCIe & DVI port. I'm running Leopard 10.5.7. My build is in my signature.

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