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I've tried so many things to get sleep working. Other people with the same mobo as me have sleep working in snow leo, but NOT ME!!

Ahhh... diddums.... I know. If you can help at all...? You know I'd love you long time


So, why would my system be able to sleep in 10.5.7 (and prior versions), but NOT 10.5.8 and 10.6.x?

What is the fundamental difference between these versions?


Specs in sig


What happens when I put hack to sleep in 10.5.7:

  • Goes to sleep
  • Rewakes on power button


What happens when I put hack to sleep in 10.5.8 & 10.6.0 & .6.2:

  • Hard drives spin down
  • External soundcard (firewire) turns off
  • Fans still spinning - I can hear it's not properly asleep
  • Mouse arrow disappears - without GFX string (i.e. with no gfx drivers)
  • Monitor goes to standby - with GFX string (i.e. with gfx drivers)
  • Power button does nothing
  • Mouse 're-wakes' hack - without GFX string (i.e. with no gfx drivers)
  • Hard restart with the power required - with GFX string (i.e. with gfx drivers)


Things I've tried that don't work:

  1. Various DSTD.aml files from people with the same and similar boards
  2. SleepEnable.kext (with and without)
  3. Checked ALL boxes in energy saver - of course
  4. With and without GFX support (i.e. took out string from com.apple.boot.plist)
  5. Played with Kext location - S/L/E and E/E
  6. Made mkext file - I don't fully understand this tbh though
  7. Turned of Legacy USB in BIOS
  8. With/without SMBIOS.plist (What's the significance of this?)
  9. Patting head and rubbing tummy
  10. Doing the whole thing in the buff


Nothing is working


My Current Layout...




Could my bios version have anything to do with it? I think it's currently F10 (make sense?)

Are there any kexts (or anything) that I should remove?

I use Chameleon RC4 - could that have anything to do with it?


Really appreciate any help with this

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