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Defragmentation with iDefrag 1.2.2


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I'm trying to defrag my primary hackint0sh partition from within hackint0sh, with the iDefrag 1.2.2 software.

As I hit the defrag button, I got the following error message:




I even tried on my backup primary os x partition, same error. So it's not related to the partition beeing used by the system.


Any idea anyone?


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The error reported in console.log


hfs_journal.c:95 (from 0xb6b0): (12) The journal header seems incorrect

icon-helper: cannot open volume for device "/dev/disk0s2": Invalid argument


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P.S.: Please I don't want to debate here if defrag is useful or not, i know os x has it's own internal defrag system. But hey, I just want o give it a try, see If I can get better perf with a defrag tool.




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Damn right! It's on their website: "iDefrag does not yet support Intel Macs".


How do you know there is a 1.5 beta and where is it available?



Enlightment, please - I would like to get hold of that 1.5 beta, too.
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- run disk utility from your Mac OS x86 install DVD

- in the left pane, click on your HFS drive or partiton

- in the top menu disable journalling for that drive/ partition

- quit disk utility and the installer and boot back into your Mac OS x86 installation. Now iDefrag 1.2.2 should at least start to defrag (after entering one's admin PW a couple of times). However, on my config iDefrag quits after about a minute.




I'm trying to defrag my primary hackint0sh partition from within hackint0sh, with the iDefrag 1.2.2 software.

As I hit the defrag button, I got the following error message:




I even tried on my backup primary os x partition, same error. So it's not related to the partition beeing used by the system.


Any idea anyone?


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The error reported in console.log


hfs_journal.c:95 (from 0xb6b0): (12) The journal header seems incorrect

icon-helper: cannot open volume for device "/dev/disk0s2": Invalid argument


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P.S.: Please I don't want to debate here if defrag is useful or not, i know os x has it's own internal defrag system. But hey, I just want o give it a try, see If I can get better perf with a defrag tool.




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In order to obtain the 1.5 beta, go to IDefrag -> Preferences...

Then under updates, uncheck 'Ignore pre-release software'

And hit the 'Check for updates now' button.

Upgrade now!


The update is 3,9 MB. Enjoy!


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Just testing it! Works great!

Now what is the best algorithm to choose?

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< In order to obtain the 1.5 beta, go to IDefrag -> Preferences... Then under updates, uncheck 'Ignore pre-release software' and hit the 'Check for updates now' button. Upgrade now! The update is 3,9 MB. Enjoy!




< Now what is the best algorithm to choose?


With my config only "Online" is choosable because the only partition I have is the sys partition which can not be unmounted, and for all the other opts the partition would have to be unmounted. If you ask me the most thorough job would be "Full defrag", right?


Anyway, iDefrag just went through doing a online-defrag, even with journalling still active, so that's cool.


BTW, HFS is quite good in staying little defragmented, that's rather true, however it's not perfect .. ;)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 years later...
I got the following error message:




I even tried on my backup primary os x partition, same error. So it's not related to the partition beeing used by the system.


Any idea anyone?


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The error reported in console.log


hfs_journal.c:95 (from 0xb6b0): (12) The journal header seems incorrect

icon-helper: cannot open volume for device "/dev/disk0s2": Invalid argument


I got the exact same error with iDefrag, googled and found this discussion, kept googling around and found:




Which showed how to hack and turn off journaling, but then googling "disable journaling" I got:




Which (make sure you put the www, it didn't work without it for me) at the bottom of the page solved it so easy I should be embarassed!


..In Disk Utility turn off journaling..
Wow! As simple as that was, I turned off journaling and am now doing a full defrag NO PROBLEM! I am so happy I solved this (the disk has 20GB free but the largest block is 15MB???), I had to join this forum and give a reply - hopefully this solves it for you too SKReddie!


Go into DiskUtility application and turn off journaling, you may have to hold down the option key to get the menu selection.


-Teo ;)

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