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erased boot file please help


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i have an i deneb lite installation of 10.5.8 leopard fully working, and after 2 months i erased a file named "boot" on the main leopard hard disk.


now i cant even boot my system on leopard, is there any way of fixing that without reinstalling leopard?



and yeap i erased the trash too

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have you erased the boot? wait... i'll post to you.

just try...if not boot with dvd and reisntall bootloader.


thanks dude for the file, now i can see the screen where i can select winblows or leopard but when i press leopard says "can't find mach_kernel"


after lot of googling can't find anything helpfull, any idea?

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you have only to download the kernel, rename it mach_kernel and place in the root of leo, also from windows.


try to search voodoo kernel....



I've mess it up, now i'm making a clean install, one question ,, I copyied the folder with the kext's before formatting the disk through windows, can i paste it in the new installation? or there has tou be some other way of installing them?

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