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Stuttering with GTX 260 on 10.6.2


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I have what seems to be an interesting problem that nobody else seems to have but me... ;)


I've narrowed it down to being a possible issue with the 64 bit kernel that I've been booting to because there has been no reason not to boot into 64 bit mode as everything is working just fine.


When playing back a video on say hulu.com or even a divx movie or a DVD, if that application is running and a pull out the dashboard or do something with expose, there is a noticable stutter that occurs. In other words, if there is ever more than one animation going on on the screen at once, stuttering occurs. When I pull out the dashboard, it is usually not buttery smooth like I am used to. If I do it two or three times, it becomes more smooth but will stutter most of the time... It's just especially noticable when two graphically accelerated tasks are going on at the same time - and this should not be the case at all with my system configuration.


I'm using GFX Strings in my apple.com.Boot.plist for my 2 GTX 260's. QE/CI are enabled. No other drivers are installed but what is included in the vanilla install of Snow Leopard and the update to 10.6.2. Vanilla kernel and hardware configuration as follows:


ASUS Rampage II Extreme with basic DSDT made for CPU Alias, RTC Clock, and King's SATA Fix.

i7 @ 4.0 Ghz

6GB RAM @ 1600

NVIDIA GTX 260 Core 216


WD Raptor 150 GB

Vanilla Install of Snow Leopard w/ 10.6.2 update

GFX Strings in com.apple.Boot.plist

No other drivers besides the bare bare minimum (fakesmc, nullcpu, ohr, platformuuid).


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I'm having the same issue with my PNY GTX260, running 10.6.0 vanilla in 32 bit. Running an XFX nForce 750i and 6 gb ddr2 800 Ram. It stutters every 5 seconds or so on the Jelly and Lathe iTunes visualizers at 1920 x 1080 in full screen, also for what its worth, the dashboard started not fading in correctly ever since I tried re-installing a new voodooHDA kext (the screen turns dark and then the widgets suddenly appear about halfway into the fade). I'll try to post as much info as possible / whats needed.











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