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Hi, I followed this http://www.taranfx.com/how-to-install-mac-...on-pc-dual-boot

but used PCJ's kernal because I have a P4. I installed Chameleon RC3.


After everything I get this error message when I select the Snow partition in Chameleon:





Does anyone have any idea about what I can do to fix this?

Would really appreciate any help.

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You had a working copy of Leopard on this particular PC right? Have you simply tried upgrading from Leopard to SL using the actual vanilla OS X procedure? I tried every method under the sun to get SL to boot, then I just cloned my iDeneb 10.5.8 to a USB HDD and upgraded with the 10.6 DVD. Worked like a charm right away. Upgrading to 10.6.2 was another story, but i got it working on the end :)


First try to install SL to an external USB drive using a bootloader like myHack (see my sig). USB's are easier to read than SATA drives as they don't require the host of IOATA kexts, AHCI kexts, etc. If that works, at least you know you can run SL on your PC. If your SATA drives are mounted (unlikely, due to your KP), you should be good to go. Otherwise, do as I said earlier and clone your Leopard drive to your USB and try to upgrade to Snow Leopard by running the "Install OS X" app on the DVD on Leo.


If you still can't see your SATA drivesafter getting SL to boot, time to start the Kext dance. Seriously, Trial and error. it's what worked for me ^^


Good luck to you sir ./salute

I similarly attempted to do this to a ASUS P5N32 SLI Deluxe board and used a 'mach_legacy' kernal I got online. I was getting a panic like the one you posted. I took a chance and edited the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist with the kernel reference to mach_legacy (vs editing a Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist), and now I'm further along. Unfortunately now I'm stuck at the blacklisted power management and it just stops. I've attempted arch=i386 -x32 cpus=1 -legacy and haven't had much luck.



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