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Could not figure out the problem. I was browsing the forums but no success.

I have a WMP54g wlan card on my P4 machine. After installing OSX 10.4.6 the network configuration wizard successfully detected my WLAN hotspot SSID and requested the WEP password. It has never accepted the password. So clicked cancel for the network install to figure out the matter later.

However Airport is unavailable now. I cannot understand. The SSID was detected but there are no airport cards now.


Any idea?





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OK. THis is where I am:

I know it is a Broadcom chip on this revision of my card.


My system profiler recognises it as a PCI card:




Type: Other Network Controller

Bus: PCI

Slot: PCI3

Vendor ID: 0x14e4

Device ID: 0x4320

Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x1737

Subsystem ID: 0x0013

Revision ID: 0x0003


I have edited the file/System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAirPortBrcm4311.kext/Contents/Info.plist


And it ALREADY HAD the pci14e4,4320 line in it (which is inline with my System Profiler)







But it does not work... :-( Any ideas?


System Profiler says that I have an Airport Express but it is turned off.

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