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Hi. I just trying it. What I can confirm for now is that I install fresh snow on 2nd HDD and at transfering user info step I click transfer from another disk. I check user account + network settings. I was wating about two minutes till calculation ends & everithing went OK.


Then at Snow I use migration assistant to transfer apps,.. I checked everything. and transfer. Then some problems shows up. Get kernel panic. I thing it was caused by ./boot file and old Extra folder from leo 10.5.8 copy to snowleo partition. So I delete it. System boot looks ok after restart. So when you gona try it. do not check in migration assistant "other files" just User account, apps, network. But there is another problem with apps. some apps may not work under snowleo. like older version of pacifist. There will be more. Have problem with registration in some aps. have to reenter serials.

Now I gona try to transfer everything except "other files" direct from fresh SnowLeo installation. Let you know how it goes.


This is very interesting. want to try it. But I thing that best way how to get 10.6 from 10.5 with all aps is to install fresh snow and install all aps again.


Does anyone have any experience? Like to share.


Working Apps after migration:


MS Office 2008



Super Duper

SoftRAID 3.6.8


Bryce 6


Disk Order. - It wasnt working after 10.5.7 in Leo, after migration at Snow is working. strange.



Toast 10


Not working apps:


Pacifist - need newer version


Hi. I just trying it. What I can confirm for now is that I install fresh snow on 2nd HDD and at transfering user info step I click transfer from another disk. I check user account + network settings. I was wating about two minutes till calculation ends & everithing went OK.


Then at Snow I use migration assistant to transfer apps,.. I checked everything. and transfer. Then some problems shows up. Get kernel panic. I thing it was caused by ./boot file and old Extra folder from leo 10.5.8 copy to snowleo partition. So I delete it. System boot looks ok after restart. So when you gona try it. do not check in migration assistant "other files" just User account, apps, network. But there is another problem with apps. some apps may not work under snowleo. like older version of pacifist. There will be more. Have problem with registration in some aps. have to reenter serials.

Now I gona try to transfer everything except "other files" direct from fresh SnowLeo installation. Let you know how it goes.


This is very interesting. want to try it. But I thing that best way how to get 10.6 from 10.5 with all aps is to install fresh snow and install all aps again.


Does anyone have any experience? Like to share.


I did it both ways on my spare machine I did fresh install on my main machine I did the migration assistant without "other files" option to keep all the history in that account. Only real problem I had was not doing it before setup of the new accounts on the machine so I needed to create spare account to migrate as you cannot do it from an account named the same on new install.


Working Apps after migration:

All mine worked only needed to put my license key in for my EyeTV software.

Yesterday I did a fresh install 10.6.0 . On first boot when Settup asistant ask me to, I transfer everithing except other files. All aps supported in snow work fine. There was less problems then doing it with Migration Assistant from running SL.


I thing its good idea to do it on fresh install. save you lot of time. Specialy if U have tons of aps you want to use. You dont have to create new account, setup system your way its all done for you. just continue where you stop under Leo.


I didnt want to go for Snow leopard a month ago. Just cause of reinstaling all aps. Couldn't find any guides how to do it easy way. And its nothing hard on it. lol

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