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I'm pretty new to this kinda stuff and not sure about these commands im using to install chameleon rc2 658


Normal Install (non-RAID):



Suppose that your installation is on /dev/disk0s2


- Install boot0 to the MBR:

sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0


- Install boot1h to the partition's bootsector:

sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2


- Install boot to the partition's root directory:

sudo cp boot /


No need to use startupfiletool anymore!

for the last step "sudo cp boot /" i'm not sure thats the right command for me, because im pretty sure that would install to disk0, while i need to install to disk2, what would i make the command to adjust to disk2?


edit: i would use the rc2 installer but for some reason i cant select a different destination except the partition that im on

sudo cp boot /Volumes/"insert name"



sudo cp boot /Volumes/Snow


this would copy the the file "boot" from the directory you are "working in", to the HDDs called "Snow" root directory


99,9% sure


so if the "boot" file is e.g. on your desktop in the folder Chameleon -> navigate with


cd /Users/YourUserName/Desktop/Chameleon

to this directory, and execute the copy command


ps: just "/" -> doesn't care if it's disk1 or disk2, this is the root directory of your installation drive

Type in sudo cp bo7


then go to the disk you want in finder, and drag it into the terminal. The directory will pop in.


BTW this is the wrong forum for questions.


Sorry, where should I put these types of questions for now on?


Also does anyone know where i can find the following kexts for snow leopard?



nullcpu..., appleacpinub, appleps2controller, fakesmc


for SL 10.6.1?



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