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My GA-965P-DS3 was humming along nicely until I tried to install an ALC883 kext that is now giving me a "You must restart your computer" on boot.


I booted up off of the 10.6 DVD and ran Repair Disk and Permissions... no change.


What are the courses of action? Of course I can format and reinstall, or archive and install... but is there a way to fix this without doing such drastic stuff? How would I go in, remove that kext, and rebuild?

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Boot from the DVD again, choose Terminal, navigate to Extensions folder on HD (not the DVD), delete the kext, rebuild the kextcache, reboot.


What are the commands to delete the kext and rebuild the kextcache from the terminal?

Is this what I'm looking for? http://osx86.sojugarden.com/2009/09/permissions-kext-caches/

Is there no way to access the Mac filesystem with a GUI from a boot CD? That seems so basic.

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