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After many posts read, too much google and some vi I get almost as far as I need my triple boot Dell Precision M4300 (Snow Leopard, Windows 7, Debian Testing). Using GPT/MBR Hybrid partition, Chameleon RC3.


What is working:


Nvidia FX360M (DSDT Injection)

Audio (VoodooHDA)

Keyboard+Trackpad (VoodooPS2)

Wifi Broadcom (Vanilla)

Bluetooth Dell TM360 (Vanilla)

Sleep (DSDT fix it)

Speedstep (DSDT allows vanilla)


What is not working:


Ethernet (Still waiting for opensource bcm57xx or 64bit compilation)

Restart,Shutdown (This is the reason for ALMOST)


I really do not understand why the Restart, Shutdown simply does not work. I have tried everything I found, from OpenHalRestart.kext to DSDT Injection. As soon as I start using nvidia card, reboot/shutdown gets disabled. When I restart/shutdown the process goes smoothly until the last, the screen blanks (after kill all procs, syncing disks, etc) and I have to keep pressed the power button in order to shutdown/start. I don't know why but my Dell M65 which has almost the same hardware has restart working (shutdown does the same as my M4300), I only need restart, as I can shutdown after restarting, but I think that shutting down "the hard way" might not be too good for my hardware.


Anybody has any other idea?


I have attached my DSDT.aml and smbios.plist, with this in /Extra and fakesmc.kext and PlatformUUID.kext in /Extra/Extensions (plus VoodooHDA and VoodooPS2 in its usual location if you want/need them) you can get your Dell Precision M4300 (with a 2.5Ghz T9300 Penryn CPU) run really cool and get Sleep.


Please some help with restart ... (I has no hope on ethernet ... *snif*)


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