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I want to briefly point out Sibel Edmonds latest depostion to the few people here with a half-brain who have clue about what is really going on in the world, as opposed to the misrepresentations, propaganda and outright lies of the international corporate-state controlled media.


The Sible Edmonds case has been going for years, she was hired as a translator by the FBI after 9/11 and almost immediately ran into things the type of corruption that outside the range of reasonable possibilities for the brainwashed public (including many people here) and "blew the whistle."


A documentary on her case called "Kill The Messenger" was released about 2 years ago, but since she was gagged it did not reveal the dirt she had on the FBI:




Anyways... here latest deposition, which now reveals some of the dirt, is posted in full here:



... and summarized in four short videos here:




Probably because they think causes Obama problems, the "American Conservative" magazine has run a story on it here:





... more later..

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